International Journal of Research in Applied Management, Science & Technology (IJRAMST) is a unique publication ascends a maiden flight across the globe as an academic quartely Journal, distinctive of Management, Science & Technology. This is inclusive of a broad spectrum of core subjects like Management trend, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Economy, Operations, Business development, Technology Management, Tourism Management, Rural Management, Optics, Kinematics, Nuclear Physics, Renewable Energy, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Information Technology, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering and its derivatives. The IJRAMST is independent of its kind that inspires up-to-date research work from research territory. We encourage all categories of learners and learned from different areas of Management, Science & Technology study for a cross cultural exploration and subsequent innovation of subjects concerned.
Transcending the familiar periphery of perfunctory substance, ‘International Journal of Research in Applied Management, Science & Technology’ is offering to unfurl a newfangled panorama in the Management, Science & Technology studies. We are rummaging around the web for progressive and clairvoyant minds for this exponential journal to focus upon various components. This search can reach a culmination only with authors' as well as readers' cooperation at large.
IJRAMST aims to provide the best possible service to authors of original research articles, and the fairest system of peer review, with a dedicated help of an Editorial Board of internationally renowned Professors and Researchers. We will check the plagiarism and the suitability of the paper. If we find any plagiarism we shall return the paper to author.